If Google shuts down for 30 minutes, What could happen?

11:47:00 AM TechByte 0 Comments

Most of us have already got addictions on Google. Whatever happens, we do a simple Google search. Even if the matter is marriage, most of the people will search why to marry. That means Google has become a part of our life.

Whenever we open our browser, we search on Google for at least a single time.
Have you ever thought that what could happen if Google shuts down only for 30 minutes or fewer? What will be the affects for that in our real life? You will be reading about it. However, you should know that Google's server went down for only 2-3 minutes in August 2013. And only for those 2-3 minutes, the whole internet's traffic was decreased by 40%. People faced this same incident also in 2009.

So let's start to think about the absence of Google.

No one will believe it

At first, when the user will see the notification that Google is not working, he will not believe it and keep reloading the page until he understands that it's not a bug. Some of the peoples will also start to check their internet connection or start calling their internet service provider. And someone will start to check if his hardware has gone mad. What would you do if you suddenly see that Google is not working? Will you believe it so easily?

After realizing the actual matter

After spending a couple of minutes, people will be able to understand that Google has got down. But some of them will still be in confusions. They will keep their self-busy in reloading the homepage of Google. This is because people have the tendency of missing things when that is unavailable. And when they will completely realize that Google is not live anymore, they may do the following things - 

  • People will start to take a screen shot of the error page. Just like this one.
  • All Facebook newsfeeds will get covered with the screen shots and people will talk to each other about the problem. All other matter will go down but this news will keep increasing its popularity. 

  • Some serious and busy peoples will want to start finding a new and similar to Google search engine. But how they will find? Because some of them even don't know that there are more search engines waiting for them. Just think of yourself. How many search engines name do you know?
  • Traffic will knock on the doors of Bing and Yahoo. Not to use them continuously. But to know about the reason of the absence of Google. So the "What happened to Google" keyword will get the most of the traffic. It can be so much traffic that Bing and Yahoo servers can get down also. 
  • There is a search engine called DuckDuckGo. It never tracks it's users location. So similar search engines like this one will start to advertise about themselves. Some of the users will say that "Google did a great job through shutting down. At least they will stop to track peoples."  
  • Many of internet applications which use services from Google, those will stop to work. As Google will stop working, Gmail also. And only for the shutdown case of Gmail, the whole international trade, and commerce sector will be collapsed. Yes, It's true. 
  • Google will make a big loss for those 30 minutes. Not only Google. Businesses which use Google products will also face to this. 
  • Travellers or adventurers may lose in an unknown place or any deep forest. They may try to use Apple map. But in most of the cases, they will lose again through using that. Most of us already know the reason of losing him again. 
  • Youtube loves will sit idle. Competitors of Google will start to singing. Because at least they are getting traffics for once :p. Peoples will start to make trolls. Just like this one.  
  • The whole world will be crying for Google except China. Do you know why? Because Google is banned in China and they have Baidu.

After those horrible thirty minutes

After solving all complications, Google will get back in. And after getting back, they will go on a press briefing about what the problem was. Tech lovers from all over the world will try to find various reasons behind this. They will start commenting about it without knowing the proper matter. Some hackers may announce that they hacked Google. And they will gain some popularity. Some more things will happen. Just like - 

  • Bloggers like me will post some mega tune on how important Google is for us. 
  • Media's will start creating reports on how the world was crying for Google. 
  • People will start to find alternatives to Google.
  • Technology blogs like Mashable, TechCrunch will post articles on “Google went down for 30 minutes. You won’t believe what happened next.” or “10 things to do when Google goes down the next time”. 

It was some type of humour. But this may happen in future. So everyone should find alternatives to Google. If you enjoyed the post, don't forget to share this with your friends. Let them enjoy this article. And also don't forget to let us know your thoughts.